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We Make You Smile


DIY Paper Fan Tutorial

diyI AM AComment

Feelin' hot hot hot!  We are all super hot stuff at this time of the year as Britain reaches the highest temperature of the year. Record breaking heat and the mercury is set to rise tomorrow again too. Heat wave ahoy! No matter how hot we are in this sweltering heat, there are moments we want to still be in our coolest. To cool down from this heat, let's make some paper fans to chill out or use them to fan your biggest fans.

This easy to do tutorial is also perfect to be done together with children during the summer holidays.

Here's how to make them:

MATERIALS (For each fan)

  • A4 Paper

  • Printer to print the fans templates on

  • Fan pattern templates are downloadable by clicking the following links : Sunny Chips, Watermelon, Forest Palm

  • A4 backing card to stick the fan template on (for a more powerful fan you will want to glue the fan template onto a piece of backing card). We have spare cards lying around in the studio which we recycled from other paper projects. To purchase we suggest these A4 Canford white cards from Paperchase. Alternatively, our preferred option is to recycle wherever possible, any empty cereal / any clean cardboard packaging will be great.

  • Wooden popsicle / lolly sticks. This could be easily purchased from craft shops / also cooking shops. We got ours from here, with the extras will be perfect to make ice lollipops too!


  • scissors

  • glue


  1. Download and print the template. We have 3 template to choose from Watermelon (inspired by our watermelon card), Forest Palm or Sunny Chips

  2. Paste the A4 template onto your backing card.

  3. Once the glue is dried, cut around the patterned shapes. 2 patterned shapes would be resulted.

  4. Apply glue all around the non patterned side of the paper.

  5. Mark around 3cm from the top of the popsicle stick and apply glue to both sides of the stick.

  6. Place popsicle stick near the centre edge of one side of the patterned paper. (glue side facing up) Sandwich both sheets of paper together with the popsicle stick and press around the seams to make sure everything is glued together.

  7. Leave the fan to dry.

Once everything is dried, start fanning! This summer, this could be your one cool fan to make!
