We Make You Smile


Afternoon Tea Set For Paper Lovers

paper, yum, design, colourI AM AComment

We love all things paper. Especially paper sculptures that are made into relatable fun items that brings back wonderful memories. Self taught Australian paper engineer Benja Harney of studio Paperform specialises in making everything (really everything!) fun and super cool with paper for their commercial clients. We LOVE how Benja will refer to people visiting his website as Paper Nerds! Yes, here!

This paper set of a classic afternoon tea set encapsulates all the favourite things we love about the British tradition of an afternoon tea. Those cucumber sandwiches, that perforated serviette, those fine paper bone china and cute delicious slices of pastel cakes… YUM!

fun afternoon tea paper sculptures

Paper Summer Puddings

paper, yumI AM AComment

It's summer and plenty of berries are in season including strawberries, raspberries, blackberries etc. This has us thinking about summer puddings, something refreshing and fruity!

Summer desserts including gelato, ice lollies, strawberry cake, summer puddings are ideal for the hot weather. We are inspired by this super super cute paper food desserts made by Amsterdam and Paris based graphic designer Charlotte Smith.  Cuteness overload and sugar cravings alert here!

Photos courtesy of Charlotte Smith www.charlottesmith.fr

Korean Cake Palette

yum, colourI AM AComment

Cake for breakfast, cake for lunch, cake for tea, cake at all times. Wonderful dreamiest pastel cake palette and cake shapes. Cherry on top of a cake.

Cake of dreams, found on Instagram from a korean dessert shop 바나나하루키, Banana Table, via instagram account Banana_Haruki